When There are Few Words: Exploring some of the questions that might arise for you, or someone close to you, at end of life
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We are delighted to publish such an amazing and important book by Deirdre McKenna
Dying is such a natural part of life, but we struggle to talk about it given how it touches the core of who and how we are in the world. Deirdre walks gently with us, offering practical guidance on some of the most important questions we may ever need to ask, and she sensitively navigates the often-avoided topic of when relationships are strained. Short reflections and images invite space to pause, reflect and be comforted. This book is for anyone needing a quiet voice of wisdom to accompany you through this watershed time. It is an invitation and an offering, and so very needed.
Paperback ISBN - 9781912130917
ebook ISBN - 9781912130900