Social Care and the Law in Scotland - 12th Edition
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Everyone working in the social care and child care sector is expected to have an effective working knowledge of the legal framework in which they operate. Social Care and the Law in Scotland was first published in 2000 in recognition of the fact that many social work and social care texts did not account for the different legal framework in Scotland. Now in its twelfth edition, this is a core text for everyone working in the sector.
Siobhan Maclean is a registered social worker. She is an independent trainer and consultant and has written a range of texts for social care and social work professionals. Mark Shiner was a specialist Leaving Care social worker for ten years with extensive experience of working with children and young people. Mark has written widely and now lectures in Maritime Studies at Orkney College UHI. He also restores violins.
ISBN 9781912130535 Spiral Bound Edition
ISBN 9781912130948 E book Version coming soon